
All are welcome to St Clement’s church; whether you are a regular or occasional church attender, whether this is the first time you have stepped inside a church or have done so throughout your life, whether you wonder what church is all about and what relevance it has to you, or frequently feel drawn to come closer to God in worship.

You are welcome, just as you are, a unique child of God. All are valued and encouraged to grow in their relationship with God.

We are an inclusive and affirming congregation, accepting of all. We are a congregation of local folk, who enjoy a broad catholic style and engage with a range of styles of services. At a typical Sunday morning service there are people of all ages from babies through to the elderly. It is not unusual for a family to sit together during a service on the large comfy sofa exploring the well-equipped toy box.  Members of the congregation regularly take part in the service, including reading scripture and leading the prayers of the people. We have activities available for children during the Sunday morning service. We value time together over tea and coffee after our Sunday morning service.

If you have any questions, please speak to the priest or any member of the congregation about our services. We welcome enquiries about baptism, confirmation and affirmation of faith, weddings including same same-sex weddings (the priest is licensed to solemnise same-sex marriages), and officiating at funerals.

Our passion is to serve and be a vital part of our local community.  For over 60 years we have reached out to the people of  Mastrick, Summerhill, Northfield and Sheddocksley. More information is available on our activities page.

St Clement’s is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney.

Some related information is available below.